Welcome to Flip the Cap!
On this episode of Flip The Cap, Kathryn Smith sits down with John LaCava (Chief Operating Officer of Jencap) to discuss the program management side of the insurance business. They dig into how the shift in the E&S marketplace has impacted programs, the importance of data and analytics in our industry, and Jencap’s strength as one of our country’s largest program administrators. John also reveals his past rockstar life and discusses the charity he so proudly played a part in founding.
Episode highlights:
- John LaCava reveals his rockstar musical background
- How John found a career in insurance
- How a St. Patrick’s Day with friends gave birth to a hundred million dollar children’s charity
- Trends impacting the current rate environment, capacity issues and property valuations
- How the shift to the E&S market has impacted programs
- Data analytics’ role in risk selection and pricing
- The most beneficial trend over the last few years has been data and analytics
- Jencap’s strengths as one of the largest insurance program administrators
- Jencap’s program structure and value proposition to retailers
Learn more about Jencap’s area of specialization at https://jencapgroup.com/areas-of-specialization/.
Support Children’s Cancer Research at Stbaldricks.org.